
Beethoven’s Birthday Cowl-Along Kickoff!

Today’s the day! Happy 250th Birthday, Ludwig!

Festivities are officially starting now—and because this is such a big day, we’re going to celebrate for the next 5 weeks. We’ll be knitting and crocheting cowls galore:

To see all these patterns conveniently grouped together on Ravelry, there’s a bundle here. For discussion and other fun, we’ll be hanging out in the Cowl-Along thread in the Red Earth Design Studio Ravelry group, where you can sign up to cowl along with us. For a refresher on the details, including PRIZES, take a look at last week’s blog post.

And we’ll be playing trivia games! I alluded to this last week and in the cowl-along banner; as a real Beethoven geek, my knuckles are cracking so hard I can barely type this. If you want to know more about Beethoven’s many great works, learn about important figures and places in his life, discover anecdotes about his funniest moments (hey, we all have ’em—even geniuses) and win pattern prizes to boot, watch the Trivia Game thread. (To qualify to play, be sure to sign up as instructed above!)

In summary, we’ve got all kinds of fun planned for the next 5 weeks—after all, the man’s only going to turn 250 once. Let’s make it count!

See you there!

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.