Design WIPs

I’m Working On It

I freely admit to being grateful for the opportunity to do two yarn reviews in a row over the last few weeks (and to show off other people’s projects!). Between two birthdays in the family, some tricksy design decisions, and lots of ripping and re-knitting, I haven’t had much to share in the way of project progress. But rest assured that—as I’ve said already—I’m working on it.

But what is “it”, exactly? For one thing, you’ll be pleased to know that the fourth shawl design from Mélodies is in progress; actually, this particular iteration has been ripped out and redone, since (‘ware spoilers) the short row shaping wasn’t working out the way I’d wanted. But we are rolling along smoothly now, and the pattern is tentatively scheduled to come out in March. If you’d like to get the ebook for the current discounted price, check the link above for links to all the purchase channels; and if you’re interested in testing this design for me, be sure to join my Ravelry group.

I’m also nearly finished with another design that is slated for release this fall; this one is going to be so much fun. (In my utterly objective and unbiased opinion, naturally…) To be fair, though, a big part of the fun is going to be cross-promoting with an incredible indie dyer from France who does work unlike anything I’ve ever seen in the dyeing industry, and created the yarn I’m using for this sample. I can’t wait!

And then there’s this big bag of yarn from Quince & Co., which will be wound up and knitted up into all kinds of nifty things over the coming weeks…these won’t be out until much later in the year, but teaser photos are forthcoming!

As far as personal projects, remember this baby? This Raina K.’s Tourist Shawl, which I started almost a year ago in order to learn brioche; brioche learned, I promptly left it at the bottom of the proverbial workbasket. But it is now Project #1 in my 9-project New Year’s Resolution Challenge, which I alluded to here; so out it came. The plan is to finish it in the next several weeks, so expect to see more of it soon. It’s coming along nicely, if I do say so myself. Nevertheless, I am waiting until Project #4 or #5 to start patting myself on the back for making challenge progress.

That’s pretty much what’s going on here at the studio, or at least what I can photograph and show you! As usual, I have scads of ideas percolating at various stages of development, and there’ll be plenty more to share in the coming weeks and months. (Speaking of which, if you’d be interested in a mystery knit-along/crochet-along this summer, take a look at this poll here!) I’ll be seeing you soon!

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.