You Knew This Was Coming, Right?

It’s been months since I posted a personal project update, but you didn’t really think I didn’t have any, did you?

I did finish something recently—namely my cousin’s Sorrel Mini, which I honest-to-goodness cannot remember if I shared here previously. It’s been mostly finished since the end of March, but needed sleeve surgery since I somehow managed to make one sleeve 12 stitches larger than the other when I split for the boody and sleeves. But my cousin loved the surgically altered version, so we’ll call it a success.

The above project was a spur-of-the-moment cast-on, the Salty Air Tee by Samantha Guerin (Ravelry link). Samantha and I connected over Instagram last year; her patterns are beautiful and thoughtful, and I’m looking forward to seeing this one knit up! I used a couple of skeins of Fyberspates Scrumptious 4ply that have been sitting in my stash for years—I got them on clearance but didn’t have a project in mind for them.

And finally, I’ve started on the body of my second Silence Tee! I got about an inch done in the movie theatre last night; I’d have gotten through more if I hadn’t had my fingers in my ears for about half the runtime. If you have sensitive ears, I do not recommend watching Jurassic World: Dominion in GTX. It was fun, but a little too epic for yours truly. But I digress…anyway, the Silence Tee is coming along. There’s still time to join the knitalong if you’re so inclined! Rules and such can be found here.

If you can believe it, that isn’t actually all the WIPs. Not a chance. There are more, and thus there may not actually be another personal knitting update for a while; since I really think there should be some FOs next time…

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.