Sneak Peek WIPs

And About Time, Too

On the best of days my works-in-progress basket is…largish. I’m a chronic case of what knitters call startitis; the good news is I only have so many circular needles. After a while I start wondering “Where are all the size 4s, anyway?” and am forced to go rummaging. But one of my general craft resolutions this year is to finish out some of my languishing projects, and I must say that the spring-cleaning feeling is delightful…

This English Ivy shawl was cast on in 2019 and has been popping its head in and out of the WIP basket ever since; it’s finally done and gifted. It was a spur-of-the-moment cast-on, and while I had fun making it, I’m not liable to start a fingering weight shawl on a whim again anytime soon!

And then there’s The Tourist Shawl, which has gotten sporadic coverage on this blog since last year. Finishing this was Item #1 on my 9-item New Year’s resolution list, so that’s 1 down, 8 to go! The fabric is incredible—so soft, squishy, and airy—and it was a great project to learn brioche knitting. It’s time-consuming, since it’s laceweight and every row is knitted twice, but the result is well worth it. This one’s also for the gifting pile, though I must say it’s a little hard; it even looks cool on the wrong side!

Finally, this isn’t a long-suffering WIP, but I have been planning it for a long time; and it’s done—the final design from Mélodies. Look for a pattern release towards the end of next month (or if you can’t wait that long, testing is currently open in my Ravelry group…).

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.