The last couple of weeks have been an epic speed-knitting marathon for me, which should mean that I have lots to show today; problem is, I can’t actually show it to you yet. One of the wacky things about working in the knitting industry is that everything is done 9-12 months ahead of time, which means that I am currently working on Fall/Winter stuff. In March. Thankfully my area is still experiencing that lovely in-between-seasons phase that knitters love to call transitional, so having a warm, fuzzy mohair/merino wrap piled up on my lap hasn’t been too sweltering.

I’ve done weirder out-of-season knitting, though, in the interests of design. For instance, I was thankful to have so many pattern release things to post about last October, because I was knitting a linen shawl, full of holes, that I couldn’t very well show. But I can show you now (and if you want to find out what’s happening to the epic pile of yarn pictured above, hang around here for the next 5 months or so)…

This photo was taken in the last days of October 2020; it was getting a little nippy, if I remember right, which lent a bit of humor to the process of knitting a summer shawl. But it was so much fun. I’d only worked with linen yarn once before, so this was a treat and something of a learning curve. The shawl was finished and mailed off in November (can’t show that yet) and I can’t wait for you to see it this coming spring!