
Pinterest, Here We Come!

I clean forgot that today is Wednesday and blissfully thought that I had a few days to wait before making this announcement, but Wednesday it is and the time is now: Red Earth Design Studio is now on Pinterest! Or sort of.

No, this does not signal a grand entrance into the world of social media; neither does it signal the demise of this blog. Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Tumblr will spin on in their respective spheres without me (I didn’t know what the last two were until some time last year, and sometimes I think I still don’t know) and that suits me fine. This blog will continue as long as life allows, or until I really and truly forget when Wednesday is; you’ll be able to keep abreast of what’s happening here without ever setting foot on Pinterest, if you aren’t there already.

The world’s about to get a whole lot bigger for these ladies.

So what will you see of Red Earth Design Studio on Pinterest, if you are a user there? Essentially it will be a more curated, condensed version of what appears here on the blog—my portfolio, yarn reviews, things I’d like to make, and so on. Hypothetically it will also be more visible in the internet jungle and bring this blog up with it, though I can’t promise that I know what I’m doing in the marketing department.

A few things will appear on one platform and not the other. For instance, pattern release announcements will stay here and probably release discount info as well. Also my personal knit/crochet projects and progress updates will only get a cursory look on Pinterest, if any. But there, things will be a bit more organized and easy to take in at a glance. Also there will be some fun stuff (such as giveaways…) that would be too unwieldy to present here.

Essentially, if this blog is a Little Caesar’s Pizza restaurant, Pinterest will be the chap breakdancing and/or wearing a monkey outfit on the sidewalk out front. Bad mental image? I suppose so; but oh, well.

What kind of stuff? This kind of stuff.

In short, if you’re not on Pinterest, fear not and stay in your seat. If you are, stop in any time for some free fun; you can find me as redearthdesignstudio. See you there!

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.