
New Growth, or Emerging from a Knitting Slump

While pretty yarn isn’t an immediate cure for a knitting slump (if it were, I’d have never fallen into one), it certainly does help.

I’m currently in the thick of an exciting collaboration with Jensen of Sugarplum Circus, using her Eco Sport yarn. It’s my first time working with a wool/tencel blend, and I’m hooked. It has the crispness and “dry” texture of a plant fiber, but the squish and cohesion of wool. This new spring shawl design has me more excited than I’ve been about knitting in months—honestly it was the curiosity about this new-to-me base that got me going!

Pulling this design together was hard. The math isn’t complicated and the design brief was something floral and whimsical, which shouldn’t be difficult to pull off, but my brain screeched in protest for a couple of weeks before it came together. Now that it’s on the needles it feels just right, and I can’t wait to get it into testing in the next couple of weeks.

So…maybe the solution to burning out on the old is to try something new? Someone remind me of this next time I hit a slump. Or remind me to rest, then try something new. Better yet, someone remind me to rest before hitting a slump. And then try a new yarn.

About Author

Christian. Reformed. Homeschooled. Writer, Singer, Knitter & Crocheter.